In 1987, Donald Trump published The Art of the Deal, a 402-page volume outlining his worldview and strategies for making what he was known for at the time: deals.

Looking back now, of course, we know that Trump might not exist equally good at deals (or business organization) every bit he touted in the book. Since its publication, he's launched and shuttered a number of companies beyond a multifariousness of industries, including Trump Mortgage, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump magazine, Trump Steaks, luxury travel search engine, and Trump Academy. His Atlantic Urban center casinos filed for bankruptcy and closed up shop.

The Art of the Bargain, which was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz (who now maintains he wrote the majority of the book, a claim Trump has disputed), was a hit. It skyrocketed to the No. 1 spot on the New York Times best seller listing and stayed there for 48 weeks. During his presidential campaign, Trump called the book one of his proudest accomplishments, and also his second-favorite book backside the Bible.

An audiobook version of The Art of the Deal

Today, you can purchase The Art of the Deal in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and east-book form. The e-book version on Amazon's Kindle offers an interesting feature: the option to highlight individual passages and view the about-highlighted excerpts, based on other readers' activity.

We looked at the most-highlighted sections of Trump's 2nd-favorite book, plumbing them for insights into his presidency. Here they are, in order of popularity:

"The worst thing you lot can mayhap do in a deal is seem desperate to brand it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and and so you lot're dead. The best thing you lot tin practise is deal from force, and leverage is the biggest strength you tin have. Leverage is having something the other guy wants. Or better yet, needs. Or best of all, just tin can't do without."

Is this why Trump appears unfazed by the failure of the GOP's long-awaited health care bill?

"That experience taught me a few things. One is to mind to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones y'all don't make."

With an approval rating hovering in the mid-30s, some might argue that Trump should have followed this advice when choosing to run president.

"My leverage came from confirming an impression they were already predisposed to believe."

"Expert publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells."

He certainly held fast to that belief during the entrada. And it probable helped him.

"The final primal to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always recollect big themselves, simply they tin can still become very excited by those who do. That'due south why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I phone call it true hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective grade of promotion."

He hasn't given upwards on this habit. He however claims everything he does is the "biggest" or "best" ever.

"You can't be scared. You practice your matter, you hold your footing, you stand up upwards tall, and whatever happens, happens."

A prelude to his contempo "I never lose" annotate, in reference to the failed wellness intendance beak.

"I believe in spending what you have to. But I too believe in non spending more than than you should."

Perhaps this will help him balance the country'southward upkeep.

"Ane of the keys to thinking large is total focus. I think of it most equally a controlled neurosis, which is a quality I've noticed in many highly successful entrepreneurs. They're obsessive, they're driven, they're unmarried-minded and sometimes they're almost maniacal, but it'due south all channeled into their piece of work. Where other people are paralyzed by neurosis, the people I'm talking about are actually helped by information technology."

It remains to be seen if megalomania can produce results in Washington.

"Information technology's not how many hours you put in, it'southward what y'all get washed while you're working."

And then far, productivity in the Trump Administration has been…mixed.

"Coin was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game."

A justification for all those golf trips?