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Abc Diet Meal Plan Tumblr

I haven't eaten at all today, my morning weigh in was 130.2 and I'm literally starving.

I hate to say it, but I think I'm giving up on this diet. When I weigh myself I get so frustrated at how slowly I'm losing weight and how hungry and tired I am.

I don't think it's healthy for me to focus all my thoughts around what I'm going to eat and if I'm going to eat.

Instead of following through with this diet I'm just going to eat healthy foods and stop eating when I'm full.

Idk I can't bring myself to quit just yet but I'm honestly so hungry also I'm NOT pro ana so I know I should stop myself from doing something that doesn't feel right, like when I weigh myself I should feel satisfied but I don't.. Sooo yeah.

Sorry if I disappointed any of you :( but if you still want me to post what I'm eating on a daily basis just message me or whatever and I will :)

Day 3: 300 Calories

morning weigh in: 130.8 lbs

Breakfast: Water - 0 Calories

Dinner: Chicken - 185 calories
Spinach (1 cup) - 7 calories
Salad (2 cups) - 15 calories
Lemon Juice - 11 calories
2 Hard Boiled Egg Whites - 34 Calories
Water - 0 calories

Total: 252/300

Omg I'm so tired I just want to sleep :(

Day 2: 500 Calories (Or Less)

Hey guys, I got a job! And today was my first day so I ate a bit late today.

Morning weigh in: 131.4 lbs

Breakfast: Water - 0 calories

Dinner: Chicken - 185 calories
Salad Blend (4 cups) - 30 calories
Spinach (1 cup) - 7 calories
Lemon Juice (2 tablespoons) - 11 calories
Water - 0 calories

Snacks: Tea - 0 calories

Total: 233/500

I really wish I would've eaten more but at this point I'm already full and I'm so tired that I need to go to sleep. I feel like I just wasted 300 calories and I know I'll regret not eating them tomorrow when I'm hungry. Ugh, whatever it's a process I guess :)

Day 1: 500 Calories

hey, guys this is my first day back on the abc diet :)

morning weigh in: 132.8 lbs

Breakfast:water - 0 calories

Lunch: water - 0 calories

Dinner: water - 0 calories

watermelon (1 ½ cups) - 68 calories

mozzarella cheese stick - 80 calories

green stew - 300 calories

Snacks:air popped popcorn (2 cups) - 40 calories

tea - 0 calories

Total: 490/500

Although I was able to stay under the 500 calorie mark I wish I would've been smarter about my calories, I do feel very full however I wish I hadn't eaten the cheese stick because it was far too small of a portion for the amount of calories it had. Also, it's only 5:30 pm so I hope I do not give into any cravings I might have later.


hey everyone, long time no see :x

basically I gave up junk food for lent again, and I reeeally want to finally reach my goal this year, I did gain about 20 pounds since the last time I successfully tried this diet, which sucks.  (like it's gotten to the point where my jeans are starting to not fit, heeelppp!)

Anyway, I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll try the abc diet for a week again and if I can handle it, I'll continue, I'll start tomorrow with a morning weigh in and all, soooo yeah :)



okay I've decided i'm gonna postpone this diet and start over i have no idea when maybe during the winter, I'm not sure when I'll update when I do though! anyways I'm so sorry guys :/

thnx for understanding, I love y'all :)

day 7: 300 calories

morning weigh in: 117.2

breakfast: half a grapefruit: 41 calories

Day 6: 200 calories

so it's currently 1:32 pm and I woke up like an hour ago… this is not okay… haha anyways, I didn't weigh in just because I usually weigh in around 8-9am but I will tomorrow!

All I've eaten so far is some lettuce and green tea~

about ½ cup romaine lettuce (4 calories)

green tea (0 calories)

Day 4 & 5

So  I havent updated in a while sorry! On day 3 I was out all day then on day 4 it was one of my closest friends sweet 16 and I was out all day again we went to new jersey across the city and took pictures and then we went to her party and omg it was so much fun, I didn't count calories but I didn't really eat anyways on day 5 I slept all day, like literally I was so tired omg. So that's why I haven't  updated but I will try to today :)

Abc Diet Meal Plan Tumblr
