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Treating Thrush in Babies With Grapefruit Seed Extract

Thrush and Grapefruit seed extract

(25 Posts)

TettyLouBar Wednesday 17-Sep-08 19:40:01

DD and I have had thrush now for 6 weeks+ (she 13weeks old, breast fed, spent first 6 wks of life on trimethroprim for kidney problems, which I think helped the thrush to thrive)

Have had 2 courses of Nystatin for her/ clotrimazole for me, started to clear slowly and symptoms subsided.

Then when we finished those, information technology crept back...

Then given Daktarin oral gel and told to utilize to my nipples aswell as DD's oral fissure 4x daily...

been going for 3wks now, idea it had cleared. Stopped treatment and the white raised patches have returned AGAIN on her tongue, along with fussing at breast, coming on and off boob constantly, and crying.

Read about grapefruit seed extract, and so bought capsules. Been taking 3x daily and recommenced mouth gel for her (we were given whopping bully tube as they didn't have any small tubes in stock)
Is there a recommendation for how many capsules I tin take a solar day?

also using milton daily to sterilse bottles (she has 1xFF at nighttime) and then steam sterlising later that!!!

Whatsoever suggestions? sad
Didn't really wanna turn to fluconazole but am willing to attempt information technology, even so, I read on another thread on hither that GFSE tin can be fifty-fifty more effective?

nigglewiggle Wed 17-Sep-08 nineteen:46:42

Didn't have the sheathing, then can't help there. Only the creams worked for me. However it took nearly iii weeks. I as well followed the advice to HOT wash all towels, bras etc. It seems to have eradicated it. Fingers crossed.

You have my sympathy, it'south non pleasant.

TettyLouBar Wed 17-Sep-08 xx:01:13

thank you,
when you say hot, what temp are we talking here?

nigglewiggle Midweek 17-Sep-08 20:27:47

Did towels, bedding etc at 90 and underwear at 60 (incase information technology melted). I also ate a lot of Rachels organic greek-mode yoghurt. Information technology'due south lovely and has Lactobacillus acidophilus a natural anti-fungal agent (I but had to dig the pot out of the fridge to discover out how to spell that)!

I had spoken to an NCT breastfeeding counsellor who recommended consistently washing everything because if whatever spores remain anywhere yous volition only keep getting outbreaks. she also suggested Acidophilus tablets from a health-food store, but I didn't end up trying those.

WilfSell Wed 17-Sep-08 xx:37:00

From what I've read, y'all just can't get rid of the spores i t is pretty much everywhere in the environment.

I have used GSE - in liquid form. 12 drops in small cup of water used to swab my nipples and his mouth afterwards every feed. Cleared up really well in nigh iv days; improved dramatically after about 36 hours.

TettyLouBar Midweek 17-Sep-08 xx:38:xx

Ok cheers. Will try once again, with renewed washing techniques!
Its been a nightmare! angry
Does everyone out there know anything about GFSE?

ninja Wed 17-Sep-08 20:42:01

Deplorable - don't know annihilation about GFSE - but I had thrush last time which lasted over three months and didn't get cleared past flucanazole, and weht with a candida diet

In that location'due south a affiche who knows more about this, she may come along

WilfSell Wed 17-Sep-08 twenty:48:56

TettyLouBar Wed 17-Sep-08 20:l:09

wow - only had a await at that nutrition, did you really cutting all those things out??
How long for? thats a lot of self command! i think I live off those things in that list .... and that now explains the thrush I suppose!!! hmm

WilfSell Wed 17-Sep-08 twenty:50:46

Are my posts all of a sudden invisible? grin

TettyLouBar Wed 17-Sep-08 20:l:47

wilfsell? are you the candida guru of which she speaketh?

TettyLouBar Wed 17-Sep-08 20:53:15

oops, sorry wilfsell! just re-read and saw your post. blush did you have information technology badly? information technology seems to be a superthrush I have!

WilfSell Midweek 17-Sep-08 20:54:43

See beneath. I think TheBlonde has used it also. But I bashed some actually bad thrush - the GP looked in his mouth and went 'oh my god he must have had it for ages'. I wanted to punch her.

The GSE extract cleared it upward in coupla days. actually, try it.

Cotton bud, swab the diluted stuff (see or jack newman's site for lots of info on it) after every feed on your nipples and inside baby'south mouth. you tin brand up one pot and get out information technology out for 24 hours. I think it is brilliant and have tried to look up inquiry on it and it is getting a reputation every bit anti fungal and antibiotic but jury's out on the science. It'south at your own risk patently merely I thought it was smashing.

TettyLouBar Midweek 17-Sep-08 xx:58:59

thank you, ordering myself a big bottle as we speak! The capsules dont seem to have done much, perhaps I need to upward the doses. things got a lot better, so take been much the same for about a week now.

Was convinced at offset that I was imagining the white on her tongue and that it was milk, but its all raised and crusty looking. Never thought mummyhood would brand me then self doubting and paranoid!!

ninja Wednesday 17-Sep-08 21:01:07

If the GFSE is that good endeavour it first - but I have to say the nutrition did work for me after a couple of weeks, and I had it bad -still have the scars on my nipples 5 years later from the open wounds.

It is worth cutting downward on some of the worst offenders to endeavor and proceed thrush at bay

TettyLouBar Wed 17-Sep-08 21:07:06

thank you for the help volition keep on trying...grin

bohemianbint Wed 17-Sep-08 21:08:07

Oh my god, this is the sole reason I came onto MN this evening as also have thrush (literally everywhere, even in my blimmin armpits!) and so does 3 week old DS. It'due south right into the milk ducts besides, apparently but the gp just said to persevere with the cream (already been using it a calendar week, non helping in the boobs!) so came here to find out if information technology'southward worth ownership the GFSE. Was as well thinking of acidophilus tablets equally well, recollect that would help?

TettyLouBar Wednesday 17-Sep-08 21:10:37

Apprently GFSE capsules volition clear it from the ducts too so I'm led to believe.
Not sure about the acidophilus tablets, simply I'grand sure somebody on here can impart wisdom concerning those?
goodluck...thrush is the devil angry

TheBlonde Wednesday 17-Sep-08 21:31:19

I am hmm virtually candida diets every bit I'm not in favour of restrictive diets in full general
Also hmm about this washing everything hot etc as it's supposed to be a remainder betwixt the "good" bacteria and the yeast

Anyway... I also used the GFSE tabs and they worked for me. I retrieve it is worth trying the liquid in babies oral cavity if they have it bad
Poor LOs it is so painful for them too

Acidophilus will assistance up your "skilful" bacteria

nigglewiggle Midweek 17-Sep-08 21:37:55

I don't recall killing the "good bacteria" on clothing and bedding would do any harm. The important affair is to kill off the spores. Your diet will maintain the "good" bacteria. IMHO!

kennythekangaroo Wed 17-Sep-08 21:48:12

Poor you. Nosotros suffered horrendously here a fortnight ago. I concluded up with a blocked milk duct and the beginnings of mastitis too.

I did take the fluconazole as information technology was and so bad. I besides washed my nipples with diluted vinegar and took the GSE - about five drops in a glass of water/juice 3xday.

It did articulate upwardly simply has taken most two weeks for everything to get back to normal.

Adept luck.

TheBlonde Thu 18-Sep-08 07:46:32

nigglewiggle - I don't think the washing will practice any harm, only couldn't face doing it myself and risking destroying my bras on hot wash

TettyLouBar Thu 18-Sep-08 12:03:45

I'm dislocated about how long to attempt treating information technology this time, information technology seems every time I stop thinking it may take subsided, it returns!

My nipples are now pain gratuitous and I think the GFSE has cleared me of the thrush. But DD'south tongue is however looking like it has thrush. I suppose I must still treatm myself to prevent passing it back and along. Whenever I have stopped the treatment for a few days she starts turning her caput with my nipple in her rima oris and coming on and off like its virtually itching her mouth rather than pain information technology.

I'm thinking treat it for another fortnight so reassess?

Tin I simply ask, when its cleared, I know there should still be white on her tongue due to milk, just what exactly should her tongue await like? Ive been looking at the thrush for sooo long I've almost fortgotten what a healthy natural language should wait similar?? is that a stupid question?blush

TheBlonde Thu 18-Sep-08 12:39:54

iirc you are supposed to treat for a further week one time you think information technology is gone

SamJamsmum Fri 19-Sep-08 x:12:03

I would actually urge people to think about acidophilus capsules if fighting thrush. Go to a health food shop and look in the refrigerator and get yourself capsules containing ten billion cultures +.
You lot can as well open the capsules and dab a little pulverisation on nipples after a feed (wash off excess earlier a feed). (or armpits!)
GSE is useful but acidophilus is normally the first port of call on the home remedies front.
Too when washing clothing etc it's useful to practise a vinegar rinse outset - loving cup of vinegar in a half bucket of water.

Oral thrush in babies is usually inside cheeks and roof of oral cavity rather than natural language although natural language does happen. Like a cluster of white. When whiteness is wiped away skin under looks quite red. Nappy rash?

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Treating Thrush in Babies With Grapefruit Seed Extract
